Mobile: Security Settings

Add an extra layer of security when accessing the TaxDome client mobile app.

Covered here:

Enabling two-factor authentication

Once you enable two-factor authentication (2FA), you’ll need to have your smartphone handy whenever you log in to your TaxDome account. You’ll confirm your identity by entering a code provided on your mobile device.

Follow these steps to enable 2FA:

1. Tap your profile in the top left corner of any section, select Security settings, then tap Two-factor authentication.

2. Follow the instructions: download and install one of the authentication apps, then open it and enter the secret key from the TaxDome client mobile app.

3. Once your authentication app starts providing authentication codes, go back to the TaxDome Client mobile app and tap Next.

4. Enter a newly generated code from the authentication app.

That's all! Now you'll have to enter a new code every time you open the app.

Using biometrics to log in

If you prefer the convenience of using your Face ID or fingerprint instead of entering a passcode while logging in:

1. Tap your profile in the top left corner of any section, select  Security settings, then tap Use Face ID / Biometric to log in.

2. Simply show your face or use your fingerprint sensor. Now you're all set to log in using your face or fingerprint.

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